
Feel free to e-mail Rob at the address below.
Email Address: (click to reveal and copy to clipboard)

Rob is also reachable on Mastodon via Direct Message.


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Whether you're pitching around an app that needs a functional MVP, building out a new team to tackle your latest business problem, having trouble smoothing out the communication between the technical and creative, or you just need someone to roll up their sleeves and dive into the code (or design) to hit that deadline, Rob's diverse professional background and decades of experience resources you with unprecedented adaptability.

Work with Rob

Feel free to e-mail Rob at the address with a short introduction of your project and needs.
Email Address: (click to reveal and copy to clipboard)

Most Recent Work:

Inclusive Plus
(Initial Web + Identity Work)


He / Him

Rob Lach is a mission-driven technologist working at the intersection of computing and culture. Rob focuses on building infrastructure for digitally connected communities; not only the networked computing systems that enable a digital society, but also the social structures that empower the people within them.

Rob's recent focus was on creating environments that embolden people to build inclusive and innovative communities. After demonstrating his creative voice by independently developing a portfolio of acclaimed avant-garde games, he co-founded Bit Bash, an interactive arts festival that showcases unsung voices advancing the digital game medium. Under his direction, Bit Bash grew its staff to over 200 people, becoming the predominant space for the public to engage with the forefront of digital interactive art. Through his work with Bit Bash, he was able to cultivate partnerships with prestigious local institutions ( Art Institute of Chicago, Museum of Contemporary Art ), pioneering the introduction of digital interactive art collections into their spaces.

Further building structures of support, Rob founded the Chicago Foundation for the Interactive Arts , a non-profit that focused on growing the impact of organizations helping bring new voices to the technology + art world.

Rob attended the University of Illinois: Urbana-Champaign where he ran ACM Gamebuilders, did some odd-jobs at the NCSA, and ended up with a degree in Computer Science. After school Rob dove into a short stint at big corporate Electronic Arts, building distributed systems that leveraged AI to automate networked game testing.

When not bringing people together to be their best, Rob is energized by the potential of distributed computing technology and prototyping systems that bolster community and expression. Sometimes he's making fun political art.

Currently Rob is working on an enterprise to build technology products which will profoundly empower our relationship with the digital space through novel approaches to data ownership and computing governance.

Email Address: (click to reveal and copy to clipboard)
LinkedIn: roblach

Chicago Foundation for the Interactive Arts Logo
Chicago Foundation for the Interactive Arts Logo
Chicago Foundation for the Interactive Arts Logo
Chicago Foundation for the Interactive Arts Logo

The Chicago Foundation for the Interactive Arts

Founding Director (2015 - 2021)


The Chicago Foundation for the Interactive Arts is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded by Rob Lach originating from (and becoming a parent of) Indie City Games dedicated to elevating the interactive arts medium.

The CFIA enacts supportive programming that aims to foster the creative community; provide financial, legal, and creative support; and utilize the interactive arts medium to educate and inspire the general public.


As the organization's Founding Director, Rob Lach lead the initial planning of the scope and mission of the organization, continuing on to solely navigate the CFIA through the 501(c)(3) qualification process.

After establishment Rob lead the CFIA towards fostering a number of growing mission-aligned community organizations working in the interactive arts space (Bit Bash , Voxelles, Indie City Games) in a fiscal sponsor parent role and generated partnerships with prominent cultural institutions (Museum of Science and Industry) as well as other local arts organizations (VGA Gallery).

In 2021, Rob formally dissolved the organization, transitioning the orgs under it's umbrella to new stewards or spinning them off into their own entities.

Additional Information

CFIA Website

Love Computing Company

Infrastructure that empowers.

Ecosystems that nourish.

Systems that support.

Hardware for the internet that was meant to be.


Some Sort of Company Logo
Some Sort of Company Logo
Some Sort of Company Logo
Some Sort of Company Logo

Some Sort

Founder (2023)


An artful product design cooperative I started with my friend Karlee.
We make wonderfully playful versions of commodity consumer products.

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Some Sort Website

Bit Bash Logo

Bit Bash Chicago

Co-Founder (2014 - 2021)

Curator / Artistic Director (2014 - 2021)

Development Director (2014 - 2017)


Established in 2014 as an all-volunteer organization, Bit Bash immediately became the eminent voice for bringing under-represented interactive art works and avant-garde video games to the general public.

Bit Bash takes great pride in creating environments focused on positivity and creating a safe and inclusive environment that welcomes exploring the fringes of the medium.


Rob Lach was one of the initial founders of Bit Bash where he initially led the artistic direction, experience design, and partnership/sponsor development.

Working as the event's curation leader, Rob has established a set of criteria and central ideas that permeate through every event's selection of work and established cost-effective exhibition designs that continue to create impressive immersive spaces.

As the event's initial sponsorhip director, Rob toiled through the difficult early days of building relationships with sponsoring partners for an event without a history and defined the framework for which partner relationships are developed today.

Chicago's Bit Bash Proves How Plesant Videogame Events Can Be (Killscreen Magazine)

The Sound Design of an Arcade (Killscreen Magazine)

The Vaporwave Games and Glitch Art at this Year's Bit Bash Festival (Killscreen Magazine)

Additional Information

Bit Bash Website

Bit Bash Press Kit

POP: Methodology Experiment One

POP: Methodology Experiment One


Digital Software on x86 Computing Machine

Keyboard / Gamepad Control Surface


POP: Methodology Experiment One is an experimental game which dissects the impact of reinterpreting the typical game development process and following a self-prescribed dogma to its creative conclusion. POP takes you on a visual and emotional roller-coaster, throwing at you a series of disjointed interactive vignettes of ranging purpose, visual style, and frustration.

POP:ME1 was designed music first, with the game mechanics, visual aesthetic, and overall structure derived from the creative flow of the music production process. As Rob created each song, he imagined a game that would go along with it, tapping into the emotional energy of the music he was creating, documenting his concepts, and executing the ideas with minimal iteration. What emerged is a series of interactive vignettes, disjointed, taking the player on an intimidatingly intense and equally indecipherable journey of frustration and wonder.

Game Of The Saeculum Edition

For the Steam release of POP:ME1, I created a satirical Game of the Saeculum edition playing on the "Game of the Year" marketing gimmick, but also providing me with an opportunity to bring something fresh to the project.

Included in the GOTSE is an audio track of developer commentary featuring some playful anecdotes regarding the development of the game and some observations regarding releasing something so avant garde in a commercial medium.

Fantastic Arcade - "Official Selection: Main Showcase" (2012 Austin, TX)

Rezzed Festival - "Official Selection: Left-Field Collection" (2012 Brighton, UK)

A MAZE Festival - "Semi-Finalist" (2012 Berlin, DE)

Indepdent Games Festival 2012 - "IGF Nuovo Award - Honorable Mention" (2012, San Francisco)

"Chicago Games as Art & Culture" - Dittmar Gallery (2014, Evanston, IL)

"Interplay Arcade" - Jackson Junge Gallery (Chicago, IL 2014)

Play this: 'POP: Methodology Experiment One' (Verge)

It Came From The Demoscene: POP - Methodology (RockPaperShotgun)

Additional Information

Release Website

Press Kit

Steam Store Page

Listen to Soundtrack

Soundtrack (iTunes)

Soundtrack (Spotify)




Digital Software on x86 Computing Machine

Keyboard + Mouse Control Surface

In collaboration with: Alexei Andreev, Kevin Berg, Joseph DiGiovanna, Marc Holden, Michael So, Paul Taraszka

Sphere is an open source project released under the NCSA License.


Sphere is a digital game where the player guides a sphere through a series of physics, reaction, and spatial reasoning challenges.


Built in collaboration with a group of developers as a senior thesis project within the University of Illinois: Urbana-Champaign College of Engineering Computer Science program. Sphere is built on a engine written from scratch in C++ utilizing OpenGL, OpenAL, and SDL.

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Documentation (PDF)

Indie City Games

Indie City Games

Board Member (2013 - Present)

Arcade Lead (2014 - Present)


Indie City Games is a collective of Chicago-based independent game developers who enact a number of programs that support the student, hobbyist, and novice proffesional game development community.

Indie City Games Meetups

The organization's primary program is a bi-monthly meetup where attendees are presented with talks regarding game design. Events conclude with an opportunity for anyone to exhibit their work in progress to gather valuable feedback.

Indie City Arcade

Indie City Arcade was a projected spawned from Indie City Games to establish a physical arcade machine to exhibit games by local and select international developers. See Project Page Here.


Rob's role within Indie City Games started after he heard about an arcade project which was similar to a project he was working on with the City of Chicago. As the project with city was cancelled he took over leading the Indie City Games project which is now known as Indie City Arcade. Soon Rob was added to the executive board where he leads the organization in an executive role.

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Facebook Group

VGA Galley

Video Game Art (VGA) Gallery

Board Member (2013 - Present)


Founded in 2013 in the lively game community of Chicago, Video Game Art (VGA) Gallery seeks to increase cultural appreciation, education of video games and new media through exhibition, study, critique, and sale. Annual programs include Exhibitions and Events featuring the work of significant artists and game developers from around the world; Education programs are comprised of talks, screenings, and student programs; the VGA fine art print collection encompasses giclees and posters of artwork from video games; and a scholarly publications program that includes the VGA Reader, a peer-reviewed journal that highlights new scholarship about video games and new media art.


Rob was an early addition to the Board of Directors for VGA where from his capacities as an indepdent artist and director at Bit Bash is able to advise and govern the organization from a unique perspective. Rob has also worked alongside Chaz Evans, the Director of Exhibitions and Programs and Co-Founder of VGA Gallery, to co-curate VGA programming.

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GameBuilders Logo

(ACM Special Interest Group at UIUC)

Project Lead (2005-2007)

President / Chair (2008)

Public and Corporate Partnership Manager (2009)


Founded in 2002 at the University of Illinois: Urbana-Champaign as a special interest group (SIG) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), GameBuilders is a student run organiation devoted to communally honing the craft of producing computer video games. The organization's focus encompasses all aspects of game development including programming, visual asset creation, sound and music authoring, and game design. GameBuilders aims to educate those who are willing to learn more about game development, especially for those with the goal of one day producing games of their own.

GameBuilders to this day prepares its members for careers within game development, attracting recruiters and inspiring graduates to pursue their own projects.


Rob joined GameBuilders at the beginning of this student life at UIUC and quickly aspired to leadership roles within the organization.

In his first two years, Rob lead the development of Red Girder (2006) and Overly Professional (2007); projects which each garnered awards at the University's Engineering Open House for excellence in teamwork and audience popularity.

In his third year with the organization, Rob was nominated and unanimously voted to become the chair. Under his guidance the organization significantly grew its membership and continued to expand the scope of activities and opportunties to its members. Rob also acted as the primary mentor to newer members which lead to a string of highly acclaimed and ambitious student projects. At the end of his tenure in this role, Rob rewrote the bylaws of the organization to better adapt to the changing technological landscape of game development and member interests, adding an additional role to the leadership structure focused on managing partnerships with game development companies and external organizations.

In his final year with the group, Rob took on the newly formed role to realize the scope of the role and solify the role's scope of duties firsthand.

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BoomBox Screenshot



Digital Software on x86 Computing Machine

Keyboard + Mouse Control Surface

In collaboration with: Craig Grupp, Emma Ritter, Tony Reimer, Paul Taraszka, Kevin Berg, Chaesung Yoon, Shajee Fakih, and Sunah Suh

BoomBox is an open source project released under the NCSA License.


BoomBox is a massive multiplayer online game with strong musical ties and teamwork based gameplay.

The world is split between two distinct factions, which players upon avatar creation choose to join. The player avatars are musical vehicles which within a certain radius project player-created musical melodies which interact with other players and the environment.

The world is constantly changing, with the faction’s borders shifting and buildings being built and destroyed. The musical environment is dynamic and player controlled.


Built in collaboration with a group and developers and artists at the University of Illinois: Urabana-Champaign. This work leverages MaxMSP to create a player controlled audio sample sequencer that melds with a game engine built on top of Ogre3D with Bullet Physics and Zoidcom Networking.

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Source Repository (

Design Documentation (PDF)



Digital Software on x86 Computing Machine

5 Floor Pressure Pad Control Surface


LLMLMMMRRR is a local multiplayer game designed to be played with floor pressure pads at Stattbad Wedding in Berlin, Germany for the Experimental Gameplay Project and 02L > Outside Standing Level.

In this work 2-5 player(s) collaborate to steer a vehicle through a procedurally generated city streets to combat roadblocking vessels.

The work aims to create an intrinsically collaborative musical experience by leveraging the ship control mechanics and natural rhythms of navigating a gridded city environment.

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Source Repository (

Download (ZIP)




Digital Software on x86 Computing Machine


SUPER PRECISION is game made in 30 minutes for the GDC Pirate Kart project by Glorious Trainwrecks.

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Download (ZIP)

Glorious Trainwrecks

Indie City Arcade, Photograph by Hilary Higgins

Indie City Arcade


Interactive Installation

Arcade Control Surface

In collaboration with: Jake Elliott, Andy Saia, Benn Marion, Benedict Fritz, Greg Wohlwend, Craig Stern


The Indie City Arcade is an interactive installation consisting of a refurbished arcade cabinet that displays a diverse collection of works by local and international artists.

Much of the electronic and physical fabrication was lead by Rob Lach.

The cabinet was painted by Benn Marion.

The software was initially developed by Jake Elliott but was subsequently updated by Rob Lach. The current launcher software is available upon request and has been used in other works by local artists.

It is regularly on display at the Emporium Arcade Bar in Wicker Park.

Chicago Games as Art & Culture (Evanston, IL 2014)

DIY gaming: Local collective creates Indie City Arcade cabinet, games (Chicago Red Eye)

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Game Submission

Ham And Jam Screenshot

Ham And Jam


Digital Software on x86 Computing Machine

Keyboard + Mouse Control Surface

As a member of the Ham And Jam development team.

Ham and Jam is a modification package for the Source game engine developed by Valve Software..


Ham and Jam is a teamplay orientated, first person WW2 multiplayer game centred around the British and Commonwealth campaigns from 1939-45. Historically accurate missions coupled with careful balance between realistic and enjoyable gameplay makes Ham and Jam a unique experience.

Ham and Jam started out as an idea between it's two main developers as an alternative to the tired old "U.S./Russia vs. Germany, post June 6th 1944" formulae WW2 games seem to use. Fed-up with everything prior to D-Day being ignored, the North West Europe theatre and the lack of British, Commonwealth and Free Forces they decided to do something about it...

Why "Ham and Jam"?

The name comes from the original code words for the capture of the Pegasus/Orne bridges on D-Day. Ham was for Pegasus, Jam for the Orne bridge. Ham and Jam denoted that both bridges had been captured intact.

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Source Repository ( Page

Overly Professional

Overly Professional


Digital Software on Microsoft Xbox 360

Microsoft 360 Gamepad

This work is built on top of Microsoft XNA which is no longer supported.


Overly Professional was project lead by Rob Lach developed within the ACM Gamebuilders organization based out of the University of Illinois: Urbana-Champaign with the expressed purpose of introducing game design programming concepts to less experienced members.

Part of this effort was utilizing a "whiteboard" derived artistic style to allow for a highly accessible approach to creating content from a predominantly technical team.

Awards and Accolades

The project was awarded a "Best Teamwork" award at the 2007 UIUC Engineerin Open House

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Download (ZIP)

Red Girder


Digital Software on x86 Computing Machine

Keyboard + Mouse Control Surface

In collaboration with Nick Bray and Ken Hoffmeyer.


Red Girder is a single-screen arcade game that explores a time bending mechanic.

Mostly and unadvisably programmed across 2 nights.

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Source Repository (

Download (ZIP)

Bowling Green Massacre Victim Fund Website Screenshot

Bowling Green Massacre Victims Fund


Culture Jamming Web Site


The The Bowling Green Massacre Victims Fund was a subversive satirical web page lampooning the reliance on fear-stoking narratives promoted by the Executive Branch of the United States Government under the Donald Trump administration.

The web page displayed a moment of remembrance and donations to the victims of the fictious incident of Islamist terrorism in Bowling Green mentioned by Kellyanne Conway, then–Counselor to the President of Donald Trump.

The donation link promoted by the site pointed to the ACLU Foundation's Tax-Deductible donation page in support of an organization that was actively fighting anti-humanitarian state policies.

How to donate to victims of the non-existent Bowling Green massacre (

‘Bowling Green Massacre Victims Fund’ website redirects to ACLU donation page (

Won't You Donate To The Bowling Green Massacre Victims Fund? (

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Bowling Green Massacre Victims Fund

Greenlight Bribery Scheme Image

Greenlight Bribery Scheme


Culture Jamming Web Application


The The Greenlight Bribery Scheme was a subversive web application taking a critical stance against the video game publishing ecosystem, namely the Greenlight crowdsourcing publishing platform created by Valve Software. The effect of the project was a platform-wide policy change.


The application exploited the interactions between other digital game publishing platforms orbiting Valve's Steam platform allowing for Rob Lach to manipulate the crowdsourcing based voting mechanics by bribing the public with free copies of POP: Methodology Experiment One which would be available on the platform after the project's conclusion.

Statement of Purpose

The work intended to examine the monetary and commercial value such monopolistic platforms attribute to digital games while protesting the implementation of using publicly crowdsourced gatekeepers for artistic works.

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Website (Not Entirely Functional)

Source Repository (

Bit Bash 2014

Bit Bash Interactive Arts Festival

September 6th, 2014

Threadless Warehouse

Chicago, IL

Photographs by Andrew Furguson


The first Bit Bash Interactive Arts Festival which featured a largely interactive multimedia collection of digital, print, and video works from undersung, under-represented, yet culturally significant and inspiring art works. Lach recognized that this collection would set the tone for future collections and worked to ensure the values and tone of Bit Bash events would be intrinsically exhibited by the works.

Chicago’s Bit Bash proves how pleasant videogame events can be (Killscreen Magazine)

Exhibited Works

Action Button Entertainment. VIDEOBALL. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Anthropy, Anna. triad. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Asteroid Base. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Belich, Jerry. Choosatron. 2013. Acrylic, Receipt Printer, and Custom Electronic.

Boneloaf. Gang Beasts. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Brace Yourself Games. Crypt of the Necrodancer. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Budnik, Kevin. Super Nintendo. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Castle Pixel. Rex Rocket. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Cavanagh, Terry. Super Hexagon. 2012. Software on Apple iOS Device.

Chaos Box. Dextris. 2014. Software on Apple iOS Device.

Chyr, William. Manifold Garden. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Die Gute Frabik. JS Joust. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Playstation Move Controllers.

Fixpoint Productions. Pivvot. 2014. Software on Apple iOS Device.

Fujita, Lane. Form VG-000. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Gabor, Brian. Slap Fest. 2014. Custom Electronics, Wooden Box.

Gallagher, Lauren. Level Up. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Gavello, Chris. The Dream Fight. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Gollner, Liz. Street RPG. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Gosztyla, Sebastian. DUAL. 2015. Software on Apple iOS Device.

Green, Michael Vaughn. Journey Ribbons. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Gregg, Andy. Robot Wireframe. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Hart Laboratories. Synthesis. 2012. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Hill-Popper, Carl. Relax Harder. 2014. Custom Electronics, Electrodermal Activity Reader.

Hogan, Sean, and Jonathan Kittaka. Even The Ocean. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Huang, Eric. Chicago Indies. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Johns, Mark. Untitled Doomlaser Project. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Johnson, Chris, and Chris Larkin. Expand. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Kaye, Tomasz. Rings of Peril. 2012. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Kuhlman, Blair, Jimmy Kirschner, and Amanda Dittami. A Fitting. 2012. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Microsoft Kinect.

Lach, Rob, Andy Saia, Jake Elliot, and Greg Wohlwend. Indie City Arcade. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Arcade Cabinet.

Lacke, Nick. Mansion. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Little Nando. Tough Coded. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Luczynski, Ana. Moogle Chocobo. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Marion, Benn. 100 Sonics. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Messhof. Nidhogg. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Moran, Will. Final Fantasy VII. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Murillo, Jorge. Gameboy Chicago. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Nevernaught Games. SlashDash. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Ortiz, Judd. Pump It Up. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Paoli, Jessica. Grass Types. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Powerhoof. Crawl. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Radial Games. ROCKETS ROCKETS ROCKETS. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Rios, Drew. Sword. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Romallo, Fernando, and David Kanaga. Panoramical. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Saia, Andy. Tango in Paradise Simulator. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Schrank, Brian, Brian Gabor, and Tom Huffman. Dumpy. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Occulus Rift Virtual Reality Headset.

Sheff, Peter. Home-Bound. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Sheyn, Alex. Mario Mushrooms. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Sirvo. Close Castles. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Snyder, Colin. Spelunky. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Sortasoft. Killer Queen. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Arcade Cabinet.

Teknopants. Samurai Gunn. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Arcade Cabinet.

The Men Who Wear Many Hats. Max Gentlemen. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Arcade Cabinet.

Tholen, Jay. Hypnospace Enforcer. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Through Games. Fru. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Microsoft Kinect.

Trejo, Hugo. Boss Battle. 2014. Risograph on Paper.

Trummal, Erkki, Andre Berlemont, and Morten Brunbjerg. Disunion. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Occulus Rift Virtual Reality Headset.

Velliman, Terri. Heavy Bullets. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

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Bit Bash Homepage

Itty Bitty Bash 2015

Itty Bitty Bash

February 25th, 2015

Bottom Lounge

Chicago, IL

Photographs by Brent Knepper


Itty Bitty Bash was Bit Bash's first attempt at a smaller scale interactive art event concept which required a collection of works that both neeeded to demonstrate the qualities of Bit Bash's mission and explore creating a communal social atmosphere.

Exhibited Works

DoubleDutch Games. SpeedRunners. 2011. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Farmergnome. A Fistful of Gun. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Friedhoff, Jane. Slam City Oracles. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Golden Ruby Games. Extreme Exorcism. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Nijman, Jan-Willem. TENNNES. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Samurai Punk. Screen Cheat. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Team Reptile. Lethal League. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Wade, Chris. Wormball. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Additional Information

Bit Bash Homepage


Bit Bash 2015

Bit Bash Interactive Arts Festival (2015)

August 22nd, 2015

Threadless Warehouse

Chicago, IL

Photographs by Brent Knepper


The 2015 Bit Bash Interactive Festival featured a collection of inspiring interactive works filling an entire warehouse and parking lot space in the middle of Chicago's West Loop neighboorhood. Alongside the interactive works was a collection of risograph prints curated in collaboration with the VGA Gallery.

Bit Bash, Chicago's indie games festival, was awesome and you shoulda been there (Polygon)

Exhibited Works

Action Button Entertainment. Videoball. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Baard, Alex, and David Scamehorn. Super Space ____. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Belich, Jerry. A.F.T.E.R.G.L.O.W. 2015. Custom Electronics.

Breed, Austin. Going Places With My Friends. 2015. Risograph on Paper.

Budnik, Kevin. A Post APokepocalyptic Future. 2015. Risograph on Paper.

Bumgartner, Robin. LineWobbler. 2015. Custom Electronics.

Corelitz, Joel, and Daniel Zarick. Shortwave. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Mobile Wi-Fi Capable Computing Device.

Dawkins, Paloma, Kyler Kelly, and KO-OP Mode. Gardenarium. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Decupper, Florian. Campfire. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Deep Dark Hole. Elbow Room. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Die Gute Fabrik. Johann Sebastian Joust. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Sony Playstation Move Controllers.

Drool. Thumper. 2017. Software on Sony Playstation 4 Video Gaming Console.

Feaber, Logan. Beyond Reality. 2015. Risograph on Paper.

Free Lives. Genital Jousting. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Free Lives. Yojimbrawl. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Freeman, Nina, Emmett Butler, Joni Kittaka, and Decky Coss. how do you Do It?. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Frogshark. Swordy. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Hollow Tree Games. Shape of the World. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Ivy Games LLC. Gravity Ghost. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Jermaine, B. Sync In. 2015. Risograph on Paper.

Juckett, Ryan. Inversus. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Lodwick, Carter, and Ian Endsley. Little Party. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

McClure, Andi, And Michael Brough. BECOME A GREAT ARTIST IN JUST 10 SECONDS. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Mided, Steph. Everyday Adventure. 2015. Risograph on Paper.

moppin. Downwell. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Moyer, Rusty. Astro Duel. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Necrosoft. Gunsport. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Origaminc. Henka Twist Caper. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Sony Playstation Move Controllers.

Overly Kinetic. Chambara. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Porpentine, and Neotenomie. Bellular Hexatosis. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Rat Casket. Kerfuffle. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

ReignBros. Stikbold. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Santa Ragione. FOTONICA. 2011. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Schmidt, Loren, and Mick Maus. Murder Simulator v. 666. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Schneider, Ziv. The Museum of Stolen Art. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Occulus Rift Virtual Reality Headset.

Schonfelder, Lea. UTE. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

SpaceBeagles. Butt Sniffin Pugs. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Oversized Tennis Ball Control Surface.

Steel Crate Games. Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Occulus Rift Virtual Reality Headset.

Thapan, Prashat. Static Lagoon. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Occulus Rift Virtual Reality Headset.

The Buddy Cops. OmniBus. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

The Stork Burnt Down. Home Improvisation. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Titouan Millet, Titouan, Tom Victor, and Lucie Viatgé. Naut. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Van Den Boogaart, Tom. Bernband. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Vector Park. Metamorphabet. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Wallace, Andy. PARTICLE MACE. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Yaeger, Matthew. AEROBAT. 2011. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Yang, Robert. Hurt me plenty. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Yang, Robert. Stick Shift. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Zephyrware. PSHNGGG!. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Additional Information

Bit Bash Homepage


Adler After Dark 2015

Adler After Dark

September 17th, 2015

Adler Planetarium

Chicago, IL


In collaboration with the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, Bit Bash was tasked with curating a collection of interactive experiences to be exhibited in the main hall for their After Dark: Game On! event.

Exhibited Works

Chyr, William. Manifold Garden. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Die Gute Fabrik. Johann Sebastian Joust. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Sony Playstation Move Controllers.

Drool. Thumper. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Fixpoint Productions. Pivvot. 2014. Software on Apple iOS Device.

Additional Information

Adler Planetarium Homepage

Bit Bash Homepage

MCA Studio Interactive Collection One

MCA Studio: Interactive Collective One

January 5th, 2016

Musuem of Contemporary Art Chicago

Chicago, IL


To kick-off Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago's 2016 season, Rob Lach proposed exhibiting under the Bit Bash brand a collection of contemporary interactive works that complemented the active exhibitions and displayed the range of work coming from interactive media artists to be installed throughout the museum.

The exhibition featured layers of projected interactive video game displays engulfing the public spaces throughout the museum alongside a guided experience with a digital non-video field game.

Exhibited Works

Arcane Kids. CRAP! No one loves me. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Dawkins, Paloma. Gardenarium. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Die Gute Fabrik. Johann Sebastian Joust. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Sony Playstation Move Controllers.

Santa Ragione. Wheels of Aurelia. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Schneider, Ziv. The Musuem of Stolem Art. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Occulus Rift Virtual Reality Headset.

Strange Think. Joy Exhibition. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Additional Information

MCA Event Page

Bit Bash Homepage

Cool Jazz 2016

Cool Jazz

Presented by Bit Bash

March 9th, 2016

Bottom Lounge

Chicago, IL

Photographs by Gabe Marchan


Cool Jazz was an exhibition of interactive art works which play off the tonal, stylistic, and communal qualities of jazz music all while adhering to the mission of Bit Bash events. The entire exhibition featuring a live jazz band accomanying the installtions.

Exhibited Works

Baumgarten, Robin. Line Wobbler. 2015. Custom Electronics.

Boogaart, Tom van den . Bernband. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Cartwheel Games. Nothing Good Can Come of This. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

HYPYRYL. One Ship Two Ship Redshift Blueshift. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Messhof. Flywrench. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Nijman, Jan Willem, and Kitty Calis. HOKY. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

SUPERHOT Team. Superhot. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Wade, Chris. Sausage Sports Club. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Wallace, Andy. Particle Mace. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

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Bit Bash Homepage


Bit Bash 2016

Bit Bash Interactive Arts Festival (2016)

August 13th, 2016

Revel Fulton Market

Chicago, IL

Photographs by Gabe Marchan


The 2016 Bit Bash Interactive Festival featured a collection of interactive digital works alongside a collection of new media art works which were co-curated by Chaz Evans and Jon Cates.

The vaporwave games and glitch art at this year’s Bit Bash festival (KillScreen Magazine)

Exhibited Works

Adams, Batsly, and Zachary Johnson. NESPectre. 2015. Nintendo Entertainment System, Custom NES Cartridge, Web Browser.

Awaceb. Fossil Echo. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Backus, Kenneth, Charles Blanchard, and Eirik Suhrke. Sky Rogue. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Bahrami, Mahdi. Engare. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Belich, Jerry, and Victor Thompson. Please Stand By... . 2016. Custom Electronics, Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Biome Collective. Killbox. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Bridgeside Interactive. Clapper. 2016. Software on Apple iPad.

Briz, Nick, and Jon Satrom. Kludgy Krawler. 2016. Video.

Brough, Michael. Glitch Tank. 2011. Software on Apple iPad.

Cardboard Robot Games. Pocket Rumble. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Cates, Jon, and Jake Elliot. A Noise Monster. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Chiocci, Joseph. Untitled. 2016. Video.

Clarissou, Pol, Armel Gibson, Pat Ashe, and David Kanaga. Vignettes. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Cubicle Ninjas. Guided Meditation VR. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine, HTC Vive Virtual Reality Headset.

Culture Shock Games. We Are Chicago. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Die Gute Fabrik. Johann Sebastian Joust. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Playstation Move Controller.

Dog Dad Games. Kissy Ghost. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

DREAMFEEL X. Curtain. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Duran, Elise, and Chris Niven. SEAQUEST海探1992. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Fenlon, Jessica. Untitled. 2016. Video.

Frame Interactive. Headmaster. 2016. Playstation 4, PSVR.

Fritz, Benedict, Greg Wohlwend, Joel Corelitz, David Laskey, and Jenna Blazevich. Tumbleseed. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Glitchnap. Sentree. 2016. Apple iOS Tablet Computer.

Gong, Tina. Happy Play Time. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Goodman, Sara. Landscapes and Portraits. 2016. Video.

Goodrow, Casey, Scott Goodrow, and J Kjellberg. The Wild Eternal. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Hertz, Paul. La gente de la isla, de paso. 2016. Digital Photo Frame.

Hertz, Paul. Foster Beach, Chicago, September 6, 2013.. 2015. Digital Image Print.

Hexecutable . Beglitched. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Hsia, Jenny Jiao. Morning Makeup Madness. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Huntley, Jarryd. Art Club Challenge. 2016. Custom Electronics.

Inflatable Reality. A Moment Free from Darkness. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Occulus Rift Virtual Reality Headset, Apple Watch.

Jankowicz, Christine. Untitled. 2016. Video.

Johnson, Zachary, and Victor Thompson. Donutron. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Arcade Cabinet.

Jongh, Adriaan de, and Sylvain Tegroeg. Hidden Folks. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Kimani, Cukia, and Ben Crooks. Boxer. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

KO_OP. GNOG. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Lazer-Walker, Mike. Chirp Club. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Mobile WiFi-Enabled Device.

Lovable Hat Cult. Le Petite Mort. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

MacLarty, Ian. Action Painting Pro. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Pizza Curse Studios. Real Winners: Victory Ball. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Powerhoof. Regular Human Basketball. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Reitano, Andrew. Super Russian Roulette. 2015. Nintendo Entertainment System, NES Light Gun, Custom NES Cartridge.

Roncancio, Josia, Maximilian Warsinke, and Ragnar Fashmob. DYO. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Ryu, Adam. VHS vs BETAMAX. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Sayed, Benji Blessing. after_the_party_[bitbash2016 remix]. 2016. Video.

Sorath. Devil Daggers. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Sosowski, SOS. PUSER TOH. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Stovepipe Interactive. Totem. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Microsoft Hololens Augmented Reality Lenses.

StrangeThink. These Monsters. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Sundae Month. Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Supertype. ARENA GODS. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

tak. Why Not. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

The Copenhagen Game Collective . Cunt Touch This. 2014. Software on Google Android device.

The Plug-In Studio. The Street Arcade. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Thirty Three Games, and Sohail Rajabi. Kasketball. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Unreality Journeys. Sadventures in Glitch. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Veltman, Florian. Lieve Oma. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Virant, Zeke. Soft Body. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Wade, Chris. Sausage Sports Club. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Yang, Robert. Cobra Club HD. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Yang, Robert. Succulent. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Yellow Monkey Studios. Sky Sutra. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

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Little Bash of Horrors

Little Bash of Horrors

Presented by Bit Bash

October 28th, 2016

Bottom Lounge

Chicago, IL


Little Bash of Horrors was an exhibition of interactive games emanating horror elements within a welcoming social environment.

Exhibited Works

Gemmel, Ben, Annah Browning, and Brooke Wonders. Heloise & Wulf. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Gibbons, Brenden. Spooky Selfie. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Kitty Horrorshow. Anatomy. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Kojima Productions. PT. 2014. Software on Sony Playstation 4 Console.

Moppin. Downwell. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Mullins, Daniel, Jonah Senzel, and Simon Jenkins. Pony Island. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Phosphor Games. The Brookhaven Experiment. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine, HTC Vive Virtual Reality Headset.

Powerhoof. Crawl . 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

RetroDreamer. Monsters and Monocles. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Saltsman, Adam, and Robin Arnott. CAPSULE. 2012. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Yu, Brandon. Skull Chainz. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

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Bit Bash Homepage


Machinima Report

Machinima Report

With the VGA Gallery

May 3rd, 2017

Comfort Station

Chicago, IL


The first ever VGA screening of Machinima: works of animation created through the real-time graphics engines of video games. The evening will offer a series of machinima shorts that serve a dual purpose: to report on the current state of Machinima as a technique and community and also to illustrate what Machinima can report on in the world and culture at large in a way that is unique to the practice.

Exhibited Works

Arvers, Isavelle, and DUO b. blu blu blu. 2015. Machinima Video.

Bonson, Alex. The Silly Adventures of Mr. Mocchi. 2011. Machinima Video.

Cates, Jon, and Jake Elliot. A Noise Monster!. 2016. Machinima Video.

Chin, Roger. There’s a Problem With the Toilet. 2016. Machinima Video.

HelixSnake. Skate 3 Funny Stuff Compilation #1. 2012. Machinima Video.

Hybinette, Knut LSG. 8000 People. 2013. Machinima Video.

Marisa Kirisame. AEUHHH????. 2016. Machinima Video.

No1WillWatchThis. Kairos: The Slow. 2015. Machinima Video.

Pailthorpe, Baden. Formation (difference and repetition) II. 2011. Machinima Video.

Riska, Juliana. Epuisement. 2016. Machinima Video.

Rolfes, Sam. Danny L Harle - Ashes of Love. 2016. Machinima Video.

Sheely, Kent. Modern Pacifism #1. 2016. Machinima Video.

Smith, Georgie Roxby. Lara Croft, Domestic Goddess, I & II. 2013. Machinima Video.

Torson, Palle. Freefall. 2011. Machinima Video.

Zanden, Michiel van der. Pwned Paintings # 2. 2010. Machinima Video.

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VGA Gallery Event Page

Comfort Station Homepage

Bit Bash Takeover

Bit Bash Takeover (Pop-Up)

Presented by Bit Bash

May 11-13th, 2017

Emporium Arcade Bar Logan Square

Chicago, IL


The Bit Bash Takeover was an exhibition of local interactive artists set in the Emporium Arcade Bar pop-up space.

Exhibited Works

Chyr, William. Manifold Garden. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Fritz, Benedict, Greg Wohlwend, Joel Corelitz, David Laskey, and Jenna Blazevich. Tumbleseed. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Trinket Studios. Battle Chef Brigade. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Wade, Chris. Sausage Sports Club. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Additional Information

Bit Bash Homepage

Emporium Event Page

Filthy Pixels 2017

Filthy Pixels

Presented by Bit Bash

February 22nd, 2017

Bottom Lounge

Chicago, IL

Photographs by Gabe Marchan


Filthy Pixels was a interactive art exhibition concept in response to the poltical climate of time. The idea was to combine an aggressive attitude with an inviting space, promoting a deliberate and unapologetic atmosphere of love.

Exhibited Works

Anthropy, Anna, Mariel Kinuko Cartwright, and Amon26. Lesbian Spider-Queens of Mars. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Ayles, Zak. PUNKSNOTDEAD. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Belich, Jerry. Cylindrus. 2015. Custom Electronics.

Gryu, Adam. Just Me and Only Me Against The World. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Hove, Jonatan "Joon" Van . GO NUTS!!. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

KOKOROMI. SUPERHYPERCUBE. 2008. Software on Sony Playstation 4 Console, Sony PSVR Virtual Reality Headset.

Llamasoft. TxK . 2014. Software on Sony Playstation Vita Device.

Messhof. Scratch Race. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Sasso, Noah, and Strange Flavor. BaraBariBall. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Teknopants. 0Space. 2011. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Train Jam Developers. Train Jam Station. 2017. Software Collection on x86 Computing Machine.

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Bit Bash 2017

Bit Bash Interactive Arts Festival (2017)

August 12th, 2017

Revel Fulton Market

Chicago, IL

Photographs by Gabe Marchan, Marvin Cespedes for Polygon, and Andrew Hayward


The 2017 Bit Bash Interactive Festival featured a collection of interactive digital works, contemporary field games, and meta-experience throughout the event designed and driven by a group of teens organized in partnership with After School Matters.

Exhibited Works

Alientrap. Modbox. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine, HTC Vive Virtual Reality Headset.

Baba Yaga Games. It's Spring Again. 2016. Software on Google Android Tablet Computer.

Barr, Pippin. SNAKISMS. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Batchelor, George. Far from Noise. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Brain&Brain. Burly Men at Sea. 2016. Apple iOS Tablet Computer.

Braker, Michala Murray Campbell, Jack Campbell, Mariah Hale, John Groot, and Thomas Newlands. That Blooming Feeling. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Cardinal, Gabe, Becca Hallstedt, Dane Wheaton, and Aaron Gelblat-Bronson. NOT YOUR FATHER'S KHAKIS. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Corelitz, Joel, and Daniel Zarick. Shortwave. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Mobile Wi-Fi Capable Computing Device.

Coulson, Denver, and Ben Sironko. Big Fish / Little Fish. 2015. Field Game, Jump Ropes.

Coulson, Denver, and Ben Sironko. RainboDisko. 2014. Vinyl Record Player, Plastic Tokens.

Cozy Game Pals. I'm Still Here. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Cuzzillo, Gabe. APE OUT. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Die Gute Fabrik. Johanne Sebastian Joust. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Sony Playstation Move Controller.

Dreamfeel. Fluc. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Finji. Overland. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Foddy, Bennet, and AP Thomson. Multibowl. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

GHXYK2, Leon Michael Sadler, and Yasushi Kaminishi. The Unbreakable Chain. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Gigantic Mechanic. Block Party. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Web Enabled Mobile Device.

Groot, John, Murray Campbell, Edgar Camargo, Trevor Siegler, and Josh Delson. Foolville. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Microsoft HoloLens Augmented Reality Glasses.

Hall, Chris "Patchy", and Aaqib Usman. Light Pong. 2017. Custom Electronics.

Happy Snake, and Zack Alkek . Morning Post. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Hennessy, Brendan Patrick. BIRDLAND. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Holowka, Alec, Scott Benson, and Bethany Hockenberry. Night in the Woods. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Honeyslugg, and Richard Hogg. Hohokum. 2014. Software on Sony Playstation 4 Console.

Hudgins, Amanda, Super Soul Studios, and 2 Mello. 1000 Button Project. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Custom Electronics, Table.

Kanaga, David. Oikospiel Book I. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

kingPenguin. Pacapong. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Linssen, Daniel. Wibble Wobble. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Megagon Industries. Lonely Mountains. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Millet, Titouan. Mu Cartographer. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Molleindustria, and Harry Josephine Giles . Casual Games for Protestors. 2016. Crowd Game, Paper Booklet.

OReilly, David. Everything. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Peterson, Brian, Grant Reid, David Or, Brett Taylor, Julia Keren-Detar, and Will Bredbeck. Spaghetti Stand-off. 2013. Field Game, Spaghetti.

Pomb. RiskyPhone. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

RAC7. Splitter Critters. 2017. Software on Apple iOS Tablet Computer.

Richardson, Joe. Four Last Things. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

SeaDads. Shut Up and Slam Jam Karate Basketball. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Seemingly Pointless. Hermitug. 2016. Field Game, Plastic Basket, Cloth Bag.

Seemingly Pointless. You Must be 18 or Older to Enter. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Shouldice, Andrew. Tunic. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Snyder, Ian. Botolo. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Sokpop Collective. Bamboo EP. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Sokpop Collective. Digital Bird Playground. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Space Mace. Joggernauts. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Sum, Andy. GAME OF THE YEAR: 420BLAZEIT vs xxXilluminatiXxx [wow/10 #rekt edition] - Montage Parody The Game. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Team Lazerbeam. Wrestling With Emotions. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Tessier-Lavigne, Niall, and Kieryn King-Lloyd. Muddledash. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Trinket Studios. Battle Chef Brigade. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Tum, Chao Hui, Chuck Kuan, Jane Mitchell, Yumeng Wang, Xianghan Ma, and Magnus Pind. Victor the Loser. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Custom Electronics, Plywood Box.

turnfollow. 4Ever Transit Authority. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Wainstop Inc.. The Right To Fall. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Wang, Andrew C. The Cat In The Hijab. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

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Interactive Influence

Interactive Influence

Presented by Bit Bash

February 1st, 2018

Art Institute of Chicago

Chicago, IL


Interactive Influence was the Art Institute of Chicago's first exhibition of digital interactive work.

The collection followed a thematic concept where every digital work in the collection demonstrated the influential qualities of the traditional art works on display within the museum.

Van Gogh and Video Games: Art Institute and Bit Bash To Collaborate Thursday (Third Coast Review)

Exhibited Works

Cardboard Computer. Kentucky Route Zero. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Die Gute Fabrik. Johann Sebastian Joust . 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Sony Playstation Move Controllers.

Gigoia Studios. FAUVISTa - Sailboats. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Johnson, Curt, and Robert Donner. Minesweeper. 1990. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Jongh, Adriaan de, and Sylvain Tegroeg. Hidden Folks. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Key, Ed, and David Kanaga. Proteus. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Mahdi Bahrami, Mahdi. Engare. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Richardson, Joe. Four Last Things. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Steel Crate Games. Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Totten, Chistopher. Lissitzky’s Revenge. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

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Bit Bash Homepage

Art Institute of Chicago Page

Initiation 2018


Presented by Bit Bash

March 15th, 2018

Chop Shop

Chicago, IL


Initiation was a collection of digital interactive works which toyed with the concepts of surveillance and conspiracy.

Exhibited Works

Breakfall. Starwhal. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Digital Kingdom. Invisiballs. 1990. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Four Quarters. Please Don’t Touch Anything. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Henriksson, Adam, David Kanaga, Thomas Perl, and Douglas Wilson. Edgar Rice Soiree. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Sony Playstation Move Controllers, Rope.

Love, Christine. Interstellar Selfie Station. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Digital Webcam.

Lunarsignals. The Moon Fields. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Mikengreg. TouchTone. 2017. Software on Apple iOS Tablet Computer.

Osmotic Studios. Orwell: Ignorance is Strength. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Schmidt, Loren. STRAWBERRY CUBES. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

twinbeard. Frog Fractions. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

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Fabricade 2018


Presented by Bit Bash

September 14th, 2018

mHUB Chicago

Chicago, IL


Fabricade was a exhibition of digital interactive works which focused on alternative control devices and custom built hardware experiences. The event was organized in collaboration with mHUB Chicago, an innovation center and startup incubator concerned with HardTech.

Exhibited Works

Boeser, Richard, Tomasz Kaye. Chalo Chalo. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Bof Guys. Gaze. 2017. Google Android Tablet Computer, Painted Wood.

Farmer, Sam. SlamDoku. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Hudgins, Amanda. 1000 Button Project. 2020. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Arcade Button Electronics, Wood.

Hudgins, Amanda, R25th. These Violent Delights. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Computer Keyboards.

La Team Belettes. Belette Hell. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Liquid Bit / BumbleBear Games. Killer Queen Black. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Lockhart, Robert, Marty Meinerz. Hi-5 Heroes. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Electronics, Wood,

Mascarenas, Zac. Sashimi Slammers. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Fish Toy Control Surface.

Prosser, George. Sagittarius. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

R25th. Ossia Glow. 2018. Colored LED, Custom Control Surface.

Terrifying Jellyfish. NOUR. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Custom Electronic Control Board.

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Bit Bash 2019

Bit Bash Interactive Arts Festival at MSI (2019)

August 17th, 2019

Museum of Science and Industry

Chicago, IL

Photographs by Marvin Cespedes for Polygon


In collaboration with the largest museum in the western hemisphere, The Museum of Science and Industry,

Indie games invade Chicago’s weirdest museum for Bit Bash 2019 (Polygon)

Bit Bash at MSI Blew Our Minds (Third Coast Review)

Exhibited Works

Aguiar, Kat, Nobonita Bhowmik, Francesca Carletto-Leon, Jordan Jones-Brewster, Carol Mertz, Jack Schlesinger. We Should Talk. 2020. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Aitcheson, Allistair. The Book Ritual. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Modified Paper Shredder.

Alpaca Space Lab. Dino Walk Simulator. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Anthropy, Anna. All My Exes are in Mechsuits. 2019. Paper, Pens, Rules.

Arnot, Robin. SoundSelf. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Mobile Phone Device.

Baumgarten, Robin. Line Wobbler. 2015. Custom Electronics, LED Lights.

Baumgarten, Robin. Quantum Garden. 2018. Springs, LED Lights, Custom Electornics.

Belich, Jerry, and Victor Thompson. Nature Machn. 2019. Custom Projection Tent, Speakers, Projectors.

Bof Guys. GAZE. 2017. Google Android Tablet Computer, Painted Wood.

Chastagnol, Thomas, Charlotte de Brabant, Hugo Dunas-Wald, Constance Gautier, Rémi Le Gallo, Séverin Michaut, and Horace Ribout. Cache Cache. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Colorfiction. becalm. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Coughlin, Jon. Roger Meatball. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Dax, Margaret. OX OX OH. 2019. Software on Apple iOS Tablet Computer.

Delson, Josh, Don Herweg, Daniel Song, Sam Zapiain, Eric Moen, Thomas Newsome, Grayson Ducker. OVERTIME. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Custom Control Surface.

Die Gute Fabrik . Johann Sebastian Joust. 2013. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Sony Playstation Move Controllers.

Dief, Teddy, Ethan Redd, Jenny Jiao Hsia, Akash Thakka. Zodiac Mall Ball. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Dougherty, Phil. Fight Lights. 2019. Arduino Computing Machine, LED Lights.

Eline, Billy, and Jacob Mooney. Lanternkeepers. 2018. Paper, Rules.

Eline, Billy, and Jacob Mooney. Reject Squad. 2019. Paper, Rules.

Essex, Glenn. monad. 2019. Aluminum, Software on x86 Computing Machine, Custom Control Surface.

Farmergnome. Surf Shogun. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Feral Cat Den. Genesis Noir. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Forward Instinct. Midnight Ultra. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Furious Fish Friends. Sashimi Slammers. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Custom Control Surface.

Genevieve, Gabrielle, Chris Chappelear, and Emily Meo. Small Talk. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Gigantic Mechanic. A Game of Foams. 2016. Field Game, Pool Noodles

Gigantic Mechanic. Scattershot. 2014. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Mobile Phone Device.

Girl Software. Bomb Dolls. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Gjestland, Johan, Gorm Lai, Marco Peschiera, Martin Kvale. Fugl. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Glass Bottom Games. SkateBIRD. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Goodwine, Aaron. Compass. 2018. Paper, Rules.

Grace Bruxner. The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Hammound, Lee. Project Beckon. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Happel, Jim. VR64 - Virtual Reality Goggles for the commodore 64. 2017. Software on Commodore64 Computing Machine, Modified Goggles.

He, Nicole. ENHANCE.COMPUTER. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Hiroyoshi Oshiba. Trap Adventure 2. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Hudgins, Amanda, and Matt Hudgins. One Night Only. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Custom Electronics, Guitars.

Hughes, Tj. Nour. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Custom Control Surface.

Indoor Astronaut. Unrailed!. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Ink Kit. DERU: The Art of Cooperation. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Jane Friedhoff, Marlowe Dobbe, Andy Wallace. Lost Wage Rampage. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Jiao Hsia, Jenny and AP Thomson. Consume Me. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Kogos, Greogry. RotoRing. 2018. LED Lights, Custom Electornics.

Lawhead, Natalie. Everything is going to be OK. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Lemieux, Patrick. OctoPad. 2018. Modified Nintendo Entertainment System.

Lin, Joyce. Queering Spacetime. 2020. Paper, Rules.

Lobanov, Greg, and A Shell in the Pit. Wandersong. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Lowpolis. Good Morning Drifter. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Ludonaut. Borb the Birb. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Ludopium. Vectronom. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

McGregor, Charles. HyperDot. 2020. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Mertz, Carol, and Francesca Carletto-Leon. HELLCOUCH. 2019. Pressure Sensors, LED Lights, Speakers, Fog Machine, Sofa.

Navel. mimics. 2015. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Pacholski, Luke and Bobby Richter. PADDLE FORCE. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

phubans & progrium. The Indie Game Legend 3D. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Potvin, Colleen. Love and Happiness in an Age of Ruin. 2014. Paper, Rules.

Powerhoof. Kaiju Super Datetech. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

R25th. The Yeehaw Agenda. 2019. Custom Electronics.

R25th. Daily Ritual. 2019. Paper, Markers, Rules.

Raines, Autumn. Sewer Rave. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Rickenbach, Mario von, Michael Frei, and Playables. KIDS. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Riklin, Laurnce Hang Ruan, and Pao Salcedo. Anyball. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Riva, Pietro Righi. Asta Grande. 2017. Crowd Game, Paper.

Schmidt, Daniel Fabe. Maze Structure. 2019. Paper Booklet.

Scott, Jonathan. Don't Touch My Stuff!. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Modified Anaglyph Glasses.

Seemingly Pointless. Hermitug. 2015. Field Game, Plastic Baskets.

Seemingly Pointless. eCheese Zone. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Shallowt, Phoebe. Even In Arcadia. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Sokpop Collective. Capy Hoky. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Teikari, Arvi. Baba is You. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

The Completely Surrounded, The Adventure Society, and Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University. Live Action Pocket Monster Snap. 2019. Plush Toys, Paper.

The Pixel Hunt, Figs, and ARTE. Bury me, my Love. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Tholen, Jay. HypnoSpace Outlaw. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Timbrook Toys. Hedge Lord. 2019. Screenprinted Wood, Rules.

Triband. What The Golf?. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Tripple Topping. Elk - Tales Of Real Stories. 2020. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Two Scoop Games. Kick Bot. 2020. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

VGA Gallery. Machinima Report. 2018. Video.

Vigeant, Pete, and ESC Games. Emotion Meter. 2016. Software on x86 Computing Machine, Mobile Phone Device.

VStheUNIVERSE. Earworm. 2019. Paper Cards, Rules.

Walsh, Aidan. SLAMBURGERS!. 2019. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Warren, Jonah. Word After Word. 2017. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

Yang, Robert. Dream Hard. 2018. Software on x86 Computing Machine.

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Bit Bash at MSI 2019 Visitor Guide

Bit Bash Homepage

Museum of Science and Industry Chicago Homepage


ChanScan Imageboard Browser

Released in 2013

Android Application


ChanScan is an open source project released under the GNU General Public License v3.0.


ChanScan was a specialized browser for viewing Futaba-style imageboards such as 4chan on the Android platform.


• Thread image archiver (mass downloader)

• Built-in proprietary animated GIF viewer

• One hand designed user interface

• Captcha compatible posting support

• Image gallery generator and viewer

• Personal Bookmark Support

• Multiple language character support (Roman, Japanese, Russian)

• Imageboard optimized image caching

• Modifiable list of imageboards


ChanScan started as a simultaneous exploration of Android app development and web scraping that was eventually commercially released.

The primary technical approach was to santize html into valid XML and parse it using an XML parsing library. Focusing the browser specifically on Futaba-style imageboards allowed the app to exploit the assumptions in formating to properly scrape the necesasry information. Furthermore many imageboards shared which software they were built on top of which meant that targeting the most popular packages greatly increased the capability of the application.

Furthermore, to deal with Android's limited Animated GIF rendering capacity, a proprietary renderer was created; a method of capturing and re-injecting Captcha challenges also had to be implemented to allow for posting; and the app also have the ability to load the list of accesible boards from an externally linked XML file which allowed for users to add their favorite boards by simply modifying and hosting the list on their own.

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Filthy Pixels 2017

2D Dynamic Lighting Research

Research Project Implemented in CGFX/GLSL


Personal research project in implementing a point lighting system in a 2D graphics rendering pipeline by using a heightmap for each sprite in addition to a color map to create a dynamic shading and shadowing system.

Kinda tough to get the project working again given is an XNA project. The shaders should still work but recent advances in raycasting would run circles around this implementation.

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Used art created by Derek Yu, as demonstrated in this excellent tutorial.

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Photran IDE

Photran - An Integrated Development Environment and Refactoring Tool for Fortran

Open Source Eclipse IDE Plugin


Photran is an open source project released under the Eclipse Public License 1.0.


Photran is an IDE and refactoring tool for Fortran based on Eclipse and the CDT.


• Syntax-highlighting editor

• Outline view

• Content assist

• Open declaration

• Declaration view and hover tips

• Fortran language-based searching

• Interactive debugger (gdb GUI)

• Makefile-based compilation

• Optional Makefile generation

• Recognition of error messages from most popular Fortran compilers


My contribution was focused on the syntax highlighter, implementing a more efficient approach based on assumptions after generating an abstract syntax tree and then applying a styling pass to the code present in the editor window.

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Personal Graphics Research Cover

Personal Graphics Research



I'll be uploading some personal graphics projects (schoolwork, small research projects, and implementations of some SIGGRAPH papers).

Also will include some small interactive projects.


Flight Sim • Super simple flight sim with procedurally generated terrain.

OBJ Model Loader • File loader coupled to a simple renderer.

Cloth Simulation • Cloth sim using a ton of springs.

Bezier Patches + Environmental Mapping • Bezier patch geometry thrown into nVidia skyboxes with some environment mapping shaders.

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